About IM

In English :

"Whatever Passion You ... Anyone can Inspire, Wherever and Whenever ..."

Indonesia Menginspirasi  is a Non-Profit Institution that aims doing Youth Movement through the Inspiration to the nature of Volunteerism...

We are storytellers and humanitarians, We are adventurous and nontraditional, We are working to bring a permanent end to better Indonesia...

We believe in the equal and inherent value of all human life, We believe that a worldview bound by borders is outdated and that stopping injustice anywhere is the responsibility of humanity everywhere, We call this ethos the Fourth Estate...

because each Person has a Special and Passion to Inspire Many people and eventually will be an Impact and a long streak that is expected to change later Indonesia better ...

Position in Organization in The IM / Indonesia Menginspirasi :

1. Main Team (Country Head, Province Head, Campus Ambassador, School Ambassador, Province Ambassador)
2. Volunteer (Campus Ambassador, School Ambassador, Province Ambassador)
3. Donation

Desired Position in The IM / Indonesia Menginspirasi :

1. Administration Management
2. Human Resource & Development Management
3. Project Development Management
4. Publication & Networking Management
5. Social Media & IT Management
6. Community Management
7. Fund Raising Managemen

Member of The Department in The IM / Indonesia Menginspirasi :

1. Education
2. Human Right
3. Anti Corruption
4. Social Entrepreneur
5. Interfaith and Peace
6. Environment and Biodiversity
7. Social Media
8. LGBTIQ and Drugs, HIV and AIDS
9. Gender Equality and Empower Women
10. Malaria and Other Diseases / Health
11.  Art and Culture
12. Inclusive Education
13. Work Camp and Volunteerism
14. Sciences and Technology
15. Poverty and Hunger
16. Disaster Mitigation
17. Safety Riding and Orderly Traffic
18. Model United Nations

In Indonesia

" Apapun Passion Kamu... Siapapun bisa menginspirasi, Dimana pun dan Kapanpun... "

Indonesia Menginspirasi merupakan Lembaga Non Profit yang bertujuan Melakukan Youth Movement melalui Inspirasi dengan sifat kerelawanan...

Kami adalah Penginspirasi dan Berprikemanusiaan. Kami adalah petualang dan Cinta Budaya. Kami sedang bekerja untuk membawa akhir yang Permanen untuk Indonesia Lebih baik...

Kami percaya pada nilai yang sama yang Melekat dari Semua kehidupan Manusia. Kami percaya Bahwa Pandangan Dunia terikat oleh batas-batas sudah Usang dan bahwa Ketidakadilan Berhenti dimana saja adalah Tanggung Jawab Manusia dimanapun. Kami menyebutnya etos Estate keEmpat...

Karena setiap orang Spesial dan memiliki Passion yang dapat Menginspirasi Banyak orang dan akhirnya akan menjadi sebuah dampak Beruntun dan Panjang yang nanti diharapkan Perubahan Indonesia lebih baik...

Posisi di Organisasi IM / Indonesia menginspirasi :

1. Main Team (Country Head, Province Head, Campus Ambassador, School Ambassador, Province Ambassador)
2. Volunteer (Campus Ambassador, School Ambassador, Province Ambassador)
3. Donation

Posisi Diinginkan di The IM / Indonesia menginspirasi :

1. Administration Management
2. Human Resource & Development Management
3. Project Development Management
4. Publication & Networking Management
5. Social Media & IT Management
6. Community Management
7. Fund Raising Managemen

Anggota Departemen di The IM / Indonesia Menginspirasi :

1. Education
2. Human Right
3. Anti Corruption
4. Social Entrepreneur
5. Interfaith and Peace
6. Environment and Biodiversity
7. Social Media
8. LGBTIQ and Drugs, HIV and AIDS
9. Gender Equality and Empower Women
10. Malaria and Other Diseases / Health
11.  Art and Culture
12. Inclusive Education
13. Work Camp and Volunteerism
14. Sciences and Technology
15. Poverty and Hunger
16. Disaster Mitigation
17. Safety Riding and Orderly Traffic
18. Model United Nations

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